Tuesday, January 7, 2020

ONE FOR THE MONEY by Janet Lambert

Well I am just booking along here! Less than two weeks since I finished the long, slow slog of PRACTICALLY PERFECT!

We are back with Miss Candy Kane who is currently living outside Los Angeles with her mother while they wait for her father to return from Europe. Barton, Candy's beau, is still overseas as well.

As I read the book, I took less copious notes than usual and wrote a chapter recap as I went along. I believe that is going to be my m.o. from now on because I do want to finish these books before I become old an infirm. Or more old and infirm, to be precise...

What follows are my chapter recaps.

Chapter 1: Candy meets a horse and an old guy.

Chapter 2: We learn Jeb's (the old guy) and Mr. Smith's (the horse) history. We find out that Marcia (Candy's mom) and Leigh (Candy's sister) are still overly concerned with Candy's looks. And we find out Candy is brave as hell and helpful as an angel as she begins helping Jeb train Mr. Smith to race. But we already knew that.

Chapter 3: Candy has to choose between a promise to Jeb and picking up Barton at the airport. She makes the hard choice not to disappoint the old man because she's Candy Freakin' Kane. And it turns out alright.

Chapter 4: Dinner at the Kanes. Barton fears nothing except for Marcia and he had a rough time in the war but doesn't want to talk about it. Also, Marcia knows nothing about horses.

Chapter 5: Barton is a jerk to his mom and passive aggressive with Candy. Candy can't ride for beans and hires a trainer for Mr. Smith. She doesn't trust this trainer, though. The plot thickens.

Chapter 6: Leigh is feeling emotions and it is freaking Candy out - she should be suppressing them! Basically Chris is writing a novel so they are dirt poor and Leigh just scrubs shit all day and never gets to go do anything fun. Candy and Barton go to a swanky L.A. party and Candy sings to raise money for Mr. Smith. Because she and Bart know how to have fun AND take care of business.

Chapter 7: Leigh and Chris have a huge fight and Leigh runs home. Candy refuses to play peacemaker because it is useless with these two. So she tells Leigh to run away to New York with Marcia to meet Mr. Kane (he has a rank of some kind, but I don't know what it is anymore) as he returns from the war. Candy and Nanna are going to have a grand time without those drama queens.

Chapter 8: Mr. Smith's trainer is up to some nonsense, Candy and Barton are sure of it. They are watching him! Meanwhile, Alex Nelson, an old friend of Candy's from her war bond days, is visiting the Reed's and Anne appears to have set her cap for him.

Chapter 9: It is Mr. Smith's first race and Jim Tyke, his trainer, is a crook! He had the jockey hold Mr. Smith back so another horse could win. EVIL!!!

Chapter 10: Candy goes to a sketchy nightclub and sings in a tiny costume to audition to make money for the upkeep of Mr. Smith. Clark Milland, bandleader and charmer, tells her she is too good for that and loans her $500. If Janet Lambert is this freaked out about swing music, what is she going to make of rock and roll?

Chapter 11: Candy reveals to Barton that if Mr. Smith doesn't win his next race and she can't pay the money back to Clark Milland, she will have to sing for her supper. This smacks of a career to Barton and he loses his fragile male shit and runs away.

Chapter 12: Candy starts working to get Jeb's grandson Sonny home from overseas so that he can ride Mr. Smith. (He is a jockey as well as a grandson.) She also gets hit on by Alix and declines. (Sisters before misters, pal!) But mostly she pines for a whiny man-baby named Barton.

Chapter 13: So many good things happen this chapter! Chris calls Leigh home - he's decided not to be a beatnik after all! And Sonny comes home and everyone is overjoyed. But Barton's absence is still busting Candy's stupid heart. She needs to hook up with Sonny. Even if he is shorter than her. Just kidding, everyone knows you can't date a boy shorter than you. It's the law.

Chapter 14: Wow - more good news! Barton comes back eating some crow and is now a civilian Also, Mr. Smith wins his race. This book might just have a happy ending after all!

Chapter 15: In a whiplash inducing twist, Jeb has a heart attack at the track, but he does not die. Bart and Candy talk frankly about what they want in their future marriage and determine that their life together will be perfect. Good luck, Candy. You'll need it.

This is the first Lambert series that I have completed! So long to Candy Kane. You're a good girl who puts others before herself. Make sure you do what is best for you, though, Candy. Your early years of abuse from your awful mother and sister have made you a bit codependent. Fortunately for you that is perfect for being married to Barton. He's ultimately a good guy I think, but he needs a lot of attention. You crazy kids will make it work.

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