Tuesday, January 12, 2021

DADDY LONG LEGS letters part 2

Here are more six word summaries from DADDY LONG LEGS. This starts on page 63 of my books and ends on page 93 - your mileage may vary.  

On the Eve.  - If only she knew to whom she was writing!

  • Julia Pendleton has no "off" switch. 
Sunday.  - She's got some good news and some bad news...
  • Successes and failures - they even out.
[no date] - A sort of a lonely letter on a stormy night.
  • Everyone needs Grandma - play along DDL. 
The Ides of March - Latin
  • Beware, Judy, Latin will pay off. 
March 26 - Judy has a hissy fit. .
  • Judy throws down. It's an ultimatum. 
April 2d. - An Apology
  • "I was badly brought up." Ouch.
April 4m - A thank you note and an apology from the infirmary
  • Her first present - the heart breaks. 
  • No more questions. Ya hate girls?
8th hour, Monday. - Finally a long newsy one full of stories of animals in peril. 
  • Far to slender to pop toads.
  • Never using THAT hairbrush again!
  • Jerusha "Judy" Abbot, meet Emily Dickinson.
  • An overstaying guest? Je suis, Ackerly.
May 27th. - Judy contemplates an offer from Mrs. Lippett and writes my six word summaries for me!
  • I'd rather die than go back. 
[no date] - It is in French so I put it in Google translate. You're welcome!

Dear Daddy-Legs-Lanyards
You are a brick!
 I'm very happy with the farm, because I've never been to a farm in my life and I hate going back to John Grier, and washing the dishes all summer. There would be danger that something awful would happen, because I lost my humility from other times and I'm afraid that someday I would burst and crush every cup and saucer in the house.
Pardon brievete and paper. I cannot send my news because I am in the French class and I am afraid that the Professor will call me right away.
I like you very much.

May 30th. - Judy is in a grand mood and writes about her first meeting with Jervis Pendleton.
  • She'll write and write and write.
  • DLL's just a different trustee bug.
  • Turns out, old Jervie's a lamb. 
  • She's a girl, not a foundling. 
June 9th.  - Judy talks about her summer plans. 
  • She doesn't have to mind anyone!
LOCK WILLOW FARM, Saturday night. - Judy loves Lock Willow. 
  • Fancy Connecticut goes like Marcelle waves. 


Were you prepared for college? What did you flunk in college? 
Did anyone ever actually use blotting paper, like for calligraphy?
Are you always the last to leave a party? Do you tell stories that amuse you and perhaps no one else? You you, like me sometimes feel like you might be like Ackerly the overstaying guest?
Could you read enough French to understand the letter Judy wrote in French class? Are you bilingual? Trilingual? A genius??
Did you have a wonderful place that meant summer to you when you were young? 

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